IWLA $10 Webinar Listing

IWLA $10 webinars are hosted exclusively by IWLA Members. These webinars provide insight, best practices, and the latest on technology that give you solutions and guidance to solve problems on topics that impact your business.   

IWLA has made viewing webinars On-demand easy as 1 – 2 – 3! These webinars are packed with training and are provided as low as $10 per webinar. Use these videos as supplemental training for your employees in between attending IWLA educational events throughout the year. 

  1. Scroll down and find the webinar(s) that pique your interest! You will see a list of webinars divided in categories with most being available to IWLA members only.
  2. If you are not a member of IWLA, please contact the IWLA Membership Department
  3. Complete the On-demand Webinar form and select the webinars you wish to purchase.
    Simply send the completed form to the IWLA Education Department.  You will soon be sent the links to the webinar(s) to view at your convenience!

Human Trafficking & Your Corporate Social Responsibility | Airdate: 9/17/2020
What role does the warehouse logistics industry play in preventing, recognizing, and stopping an epidemic? Human trafficking is modern day slavery, the second largest criminal industry in the world, a profound humanitarian plight and an extensive public health issue. Join presenter Denise Mears, executive director and founder of Project Protect Our Children, to discover how you can you leverage your company’s stakeholders and resources in a way that combats human trafficking and positively impacts the community.

IWLA Canada Webinar – COVID-19: Where Do We Go From Here? | Airdate: 8/18/2020
As we all know, 2020 has been anything but a normal year. As things slowly begin to return to normal in Canada, it can be difficult to know how to move forward. Join IWLA’s retained counsel, James Manson, for thoughts and ideas on the following timely issues: force majeure and pandemic clauses in contracts, collections/bankruptcy/slow pay issues, and (re)assessing available provincial and federal programs for your business

How to Play in the Amazon World and Win | Airdate: 6/11/2020
Online orders and direct-to-consumer deliveries have almost doubled since the beginning of 2020. Experts project this growth to continue beyond COVID-19, making eCommerce the most significant growth opportunity for every fulfillment center. Driven by the Amazon effect, customers’ expectations on delivery times, costs, and experience have created a more complicated fulfillment process. Fortunately, innovations and technology are helping companies like yours thrive in these exciting times. Join our webinar with industry experts and learn how to compete in the Amazon world and win.

Touch-less Elevated Body Temperature Detection with Long Range and Short Range Solutions | Airdate: 6/9/2020
IWLA Partner Member Ackerman Security invites you to join to a free educational webinar to introduce new technology being used to help identify elevated body temperatures.

IWLA Webinar – Automating Fulfillment Without Disrupting SOPs | Airdate: 5/21/2020
If any of these situations sound familiar, then this webinar is for you. Hand scanners causing accuracy issues? Missing-in-action inventory with no explanation? Delivery sent to the wrong location? Or wrong items sent in a delivery? Customers increasingly asking for high mix orders that are time-consuming to fulfill? Working with thinner crews? Human error on the rise? Shipping delays as a result? In this webinar we’re going to discuss machine vision AI at work within fulfillment centers as a way to quickly and inexpensively increase automation and reduce risk.

IWLA Webinar – Optimization: Same Space, Better Results | Airdate: 4/30/2020
Few businesses can afford a total renovation of their warehouse operations. But it may seem that is what needs to be done in light of changing customer requests (like increasing B2C fulfillment) and evolving expectations. Take a step back and optimize what you have instead of tearing down and rebuilding. There are modest opportunities and incremental steps to better service, higher efficiency, and wider margins. Many of these solutions hinge on maximizing your technology. Let it help increase your profits, deliver products more efficiently, enhance customer satisfaction, and expand your market share. In other words, let ROO — Return on Optimization — drive your ROI and enhance your bottom line.

California Warehouse Labor & Employment Law Webinar – What to Expect in California for 2020 | Airdate: 2/11/2020
In 2020, don’t let new California laws catch you by surprise. Staffing rules will alter how you handle temporary workers – especially in light of the retroactive Dynamex decision and new NRLB regulations. Join James Nelson as he discusses these hot topics along with wage-and-hour considerations, current events, and best practices for your warehouse business.

Innovative Ways for Warehouses to Save Time & Money | Airdate: 1/23/2020
The way your warehouse makes vendor payments may be slowing your business down. However, you can create operational efficiencies and improve and expedite payments. Learn how organizations across the United States are adopting new electronic payables programs to save time and resources.

Make More Money: Drive Business Growth Through Value-added Services | Airdate: 10/31/2019
This webinar reveals how offering value-added services, including robust late-stage customization and packaging capabilities, can help your brand customers bring regional, seasonal, and retailer-specific products to market with confidence, speed, and agility. In addition, discover how VAS can build trust, reliability, and value with your partners, strengthening relationships and driving business growth.

EDI is Edifying: Embrace this Technology to Better Communicate with Customers, in Your Warehouse & Beyond | Airdate: 8/22/2019
Using EDI can automate entire business document transactions, reduce the potential for error by eliminating manual intervention, and allow for scalability. Join representatives from IWLA partners B2BGateway and Camelot 3PL Software, as they discuss popular EDI/warehouse transaction sets such as Advance Ship Notices, Warehouse Shipping Orders, Shipping Advice, Inventory Adjustments, and more.

Risky Business: Keep Your Warehouse Safe from Cyber Attacks | Airdate: 8/09/2019
You’re busy in your warehouse, emailing a customer and checking velocity on your WMS dashboard. Then, it all goes black: You’ve been hit by malware. Or, worse yet, a hacker has captured your system and is demanding ransom to return access to your data. Don’t let your warehouse be a victim: This webinar gives you steps to take to keep your systems and your data safe from cyber attacks. This webinar is brought to you by the IWLA California Chapter. 

Robert Rosenzweig, RPLU, senior vice president and the national cyber risk practice leader at Risk Strategies will tell you how to protect you from financial fraud, sabotage of data/networks, theft of proprietary information, unauthorized system accesses, denial of service attacks, cyber stalking, identity theft, virus attacks, hacking by ID-hopping, industrial espionage, interruption of e-commerce business, breaches in national security, and much more.

Canadian Warehousing Law, Eh? | Airdate: 8/1/2019
Do you operate a warehouse in Canada? If so, it’s important to be up to speed on how warehousing law works in the “Great White North.” Join IWLA retained Canadian warehousing law counsel James Manson on a quick tour through some important legal topics and concepts relevant to warehousing, including limitation of liability, warehouse receipts, provincial legislation, and “good faith” in contractual dealings, etc.

James Manson joined Fernandes Hearn LLP in 2014. He has represented clients in Canada and the United States in and before the superior courts of British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and Ontario, as well as the Federal Court of Canada. His practice is devoted to civil, commercial, and insurance-related litigation, with a focus on all aspects of warehousing and transportation law, including maritime law.

Everything is a Project: Manage Yours Successfully | Airdate: 7/18/2019
While the longest journey starts with one step, the biggest (or smallest) project in your warehouse should begin with a project management plan. Not sure how to do this? IWLA Membership Director Jennifer Rezny is also an industrial engineer and project management specialist. Login for this webinar as she shares a case study about a logistics-industry project she managed. You’ll leave the session with a better understanding of project modeling, phases, risk assessment, Gantt charts, the critical path, scheduling, budgeting, and reporting. This webinar will reveal how proven project management keeps you within budget, helps you meet deadlines, enables you to correctly define scope, and allows you to maintain a focus on quality.

Who should view this webinar?

  • Operations Personnel
  • IT
  • Facilities
  • Human Resources
  • Business Development
  • Anyone involved in a project.

Open the Investigation: Your Guide to Effective – and Legal Workplace Inquiry | Airdate: 6/27/2019
Safety infractions, harassment policy violations, complaints about working conditions – many situations drive the need for a workplace investigation. Ensure that your warehouse’s investigations into these issues are effective, and that they consider the legal issues that may come into play. During this webinar, David Pryzbylski of Barnes & Thornburg will offer insights into how to structure effective workplace investigations and will advise you about navigating the legal issues that may arise.

Biometrics: The Next Frontier in Your Warehouse | Airdate: 6/6/2019
Biometrics are ubiquitous in action movies: thumbprints, retinal scans, and more open doors and grant access to top-secret information.
Now these tools are reality in corporate life. Many warehouses are using biometrics to enhance security. With their adoption comes regulation and personal-privacy litigation.

Chip Andrewscavage and Andy Butcher (attorneys from Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary, P.C.), understand the legalities behind biometrics. In this IWLA webinar, they will offer case studies showcasing this technology and will review the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act as an example of what is likely in other states. Register now to better understand the future and to see what steps your company can take to avoid liability.

2019 Top 10 Trends in Warehousing and Logistics | Airdate: 4/30/2019
This special member’s only webinar with Dr. Edward F. Knab explores the 2019 Top 10 Trends in Warehousing/Logistics and examines how technologies such as drones, autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence will play a major role in shaping the delivery path for the future. Knab will discuss trending practices in management, new developments for your WMS, and gauge sentiment about the key economy and business implications.

IWLA Food Council Webinar – Understanding the Sanitary Transport Rule: You’re Now the Shipper! | Airdate: 4/18/2019
Your employees find that many of the trucks that arrive at your docks have visible issues or have strange smells. You know the food now stored in your warehouse has exceeded the standard of care, but placing it in a problematic truck may negate your hard work and put your warehouse (and your food customer) at risk. How can you handle these trucking issues without ruining a relationship with a trucking company or slowing the velocity your customer needs? This webinar will offer real-world examples and share the insights from a warehouse company, a trucking company, and the FDA.

Legal Lessons: Key Transportation Court Decisions | Airdate: 3/21/2019
2018 proved to be a very busy year for court cases involving transportation, brokerage, forwarding, and warehousing. Marc Blubaugh, partner at Benesch Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP will review recent court cases, highlight the crux of the legal action, and give practical advice on how you can avoid similar bad outcomes.

Damages: Limiting Your Warehouse’s Liability – A Case Study | Airdate: 1/17/2019
Of course, you provide reasonable care and supply warehouse receipts for customers. But things happen. Pallets fail. Inventory mysteriously disappears. Forklifts hit boxes in just the wrong way. Prudent business practices require you to limit your warehouse’s liability to your customers should these damages occur. IWLA retained warehouse law counsel Kevin Phillips will tell the tale of how one warehouse saved itself a million plus dollars by ensuring it limited its liability. The webinar will reveal ways you can limit your liability from the onset.

Speaker: Kevin Phillips, Partner – Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary, P.C.

Navigate the Realities of a Tight Employment Market | Airdate: 10/25/2018
The low U.S. unemployment rate challenges warehouse executives and human resource professionals: It is ever more difficult to for employees to fill open, seasonal, and new positions. While there is no “magic pill” or one best solution to keep in the game and expand your business, there are ways to find a stable workforce in this competitive climate: Tune in to this webinar and hear from Helene Sanford, vice president of human resources with Saddle Creek Logistics, and Kelly McCreight, CEO of Hamilton.

Gaps, Traps, & Assumptions: Warehouse Customer Contracts vs. Your Insurance Policies | Airdate: 9/27/2018
A comparison of typical insurance requirements found in customer-supplied warehouse storage agreements and insurance policy language reveals numerous areas that need to be addressed. Many times this stems from the fact that authors of customer contracts do not understand insurance coverage. What protection they want and assume they have does not always match the coverage the warehouse operator has.

Presenter Jeff McConnell, vice president at Insurance Office of America based in Atlanta, will cover these main points:

  • General Liability;
  • Warehouse Legal;
  • Property;
  • Indemnification; and
  • Professional Liability.

McConnell has over 30 years of experience and insures several third-party logistics firms ranging from small warehouses to multi-state complex operations occupying several million square feet. McConnell is a real student of insurance coverages for warehousing operations.

Working on the (Block)chain Gang: Expectations, Use & Canadian Law | Airdate: 8/23/2018
The age of blockchain is here. How is it changing the warehouse logistics industry? Does it really bring greater transparency and security? What are some of the legal implications and pitfalls to embracing what some say will be the standard moving forward? This webinar offers an explanation, an overview of how it affects business, and thoughts on some legal issues that may arise with this technology.

Presenter James Manson is a senior litigation associate at Fernandes Hearn LLP, a boutique law firm based in Toronto specializing in transportation law. Previously, he maintained a general commercial and civil litigation. Originally from Winnipeg, he attended law school at Queen’s University and has bachelor’s degrees from McGill University and the University of Manitoba.

Conveyors, Scales & Unloading, Oh My! IWLA Partners Offer Innovative Solutions to Your Warehousing Challenges | Airdate: 7/26/2018
Warehousing logistics is quickly evolving. Changes and customer demands create big and small challenges for warehouse operators. Turning to supplier partners can yield solutions that are a win for you and your customers.

This webinar, presented by three IWLA Partner members, will include case studies and information about how these providers worked with warehouse leadership teams to solve problems, improve processes, and find solutions. They will give you specific takeaways and strategies to continue on the road to success.

These presenters are experts in helping you:

  • Brian Neuwirth, Vice President of Sales, UNEX Manufacturing, Inc. (order-picking solutions (conveyors, space usage, more);
  • Thomas Guest, National Accounts Manager, Rice Lake Weighing Systems; and
  • Jack Smylie, Sales Manager, Ancra Systems (loading and unloading systems)

Best Practices for Your Workforce in the #MeToo Era | Airdate: 7/19/2018
Your warehouse logistics organization may be open to needless lawsuits if you are not navigating gender inclusion issues and squelching harassment before it starts. It’s always important to mind your Ps & Qs: This webinar focuses on the best practices to employ and helps you better understand the reality of the #MeToo era. It will challenge what you thought you knew about your HR policies.

Tax Planning in the Post-Reform Environment: Opportunities for the Warehousing and Logistics Industry | Airdate: 6/21/2018
Your U.S. warehouse company taxes have already changed. The 2017 Tax Act means your tax planning paradigms need to shift. Attend this webinar and come away able to identify the Act’s critical changes and how those changes will affect (and already are affecting) you. It’s possible the tax plan could actually mean good news depending on your structure: Speakers will offer you tools to plan for and identify opportunities under the new rules.

Blockchain in Logistics | Airdate: 4/26/2018
Blockchain shall impact Logistics operations in multiple ways including smart contracts, improving capacity utilization, parts traceability etc.
Curious? Naval Sabharwal, Head Supply Chain & Logistics, Ramco Systems will give an overview of Blockchain & its applications in Logistics with a live demo. Learn the highlights of Blockchain and why it is coming to stay.

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Transportation Contracting for Warehouse Operators | Airdate: 1/18/2018
Warehouse operators in companies that offer transportation services deal with the requisite paperwork:

  • bills of lading,
  • load tenders and confirmations,
  • rate confirmations,
  • purchase orders,
  • delivery receipts,
  • handshake deals, and
  • master agreements. 

If your company offers transportation, do you really understand which of these documents and arrangements—if any—may constitute a legally enforceable contract? Do you know which terms and conditions appearing in (or incorporated by reference into) a contract are binding? Which terms and conditions are most important to your transportation business?

You’ll leave this webinar armed you with practical advice (illustrated with real-world case examples) regarding what you should be doing to minimize the risk to your entire enterprise.

One Answer to the Looming Labor Shortage? Diversity | Airdate: 11/3/2017
Diversity in your warehouse has always meant creating a well-rounded environment where differing backgrounds and perspectives are welcomed. But now a diversity mindset brings with it another competitive advantage: the ability to fill open positions with what were once marginalized or underutilized.

In this webinar presenters will discuss advantages to the direct and indirect benefits of expanding your company’s diversity initiative.

The competition for talent has never been greater. Diversity can resolve our staffing crunch while making a huge impact in our communities.

The IWLA Diversity Council is in the process of developing a resource guide to help IWLA members take advantage of this untapped area of talent. Join us and be on the leading edge. 

HR Law: Adverse Employment Action | Airdate: 10/17/2017
The HR Law webinar is a continuation of the law portion of the IWLA Essentials of Warehousing Course. Peter Kirsanow partner at Benesch will share insights on HR Law and how to tell the difference between “adverse” and “not adverse” employment action.

Examples of topics covered in the webinar are:

  • Defining adverse employment action;
  • Examples of adverse employment action;
  • What is not considered adverse employment action;
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) overview & guidance;
  • And forecasting. 

Don’t Bug Me: Implement an IPM to Help Keep Your Storage Safe from Pests | Airdate: 8/24/2017
Fast-paced customer timelines and urgent deadlines can make pest control an afterthought in your warehouse. With your reputation and bottom line at stake, it’s important to effectively manage pests with an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan specific to your business’ needs.

IWLA brings you Orkin’s entomologist and Technical Services Manager Chelle Hartzer during this webinar. During this hour, you’ll learn exclusion tactics, shipment inspection protocols, sanitation routines, and proper stock-rotation practices that protect your facility.


  • Discover the most common pests and the threats they pose in your warehouse.
  • Find what attracts pests to your facility and how to combat them. This keeps you audit-ready.
  • Learn how to involve your suppliers and staff in a comprehensive IPM plan.

FTZ: Is it For Your Warehouse? | Airdate: 7/27/2017
The Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) Program, under the auspices of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection authority, helps U.S. companies stay competitive internationally. Why would a warehouse want FTZ status? There are many benefits for your customers, including, “While in the zone, merchandise is not subject to U.S. duty or excise tax. Certain tangible personal property is generally exempt from state and local ad valorem taxes.”

Achieving FTZ status is a process, but it definitely has its advantages. Don’t miss this webinar:

  • Learn exactly what an FTZ is.
  • Discover how the program has changed to make the process more accessible.
  • Understand the different actors FTZ involves, the benefits it provides, and how you can leverage it for your customers.

Fulfilling Your Promises: Tech & Operations Considerations for Your Fulfillment Business | Airdate: 7/20/2017
As more warehouse customers (and prospects) seek fulfillment services from their third-party logistics providers, it is important to understand just how these value-added offerings will affect your warehouse. Tune in to this special webinar that will tackle two key areas:

  • Technology
  • ERP/API/FTP; Data Reporting; Picking; more
  • Fulfillment Infrastructure
  • Requirements/Operational Changes
    Building Design; Labor Use; Hiring; Space Use; and more.

The session will be led by a fulfillment technology expert and an operational executive from a warehouse offering these services.

Common Challenges of Warehouse Management and How to Overcome Them | Airdate: 4/27/2017
There is nothing new under the sun. Other warehousing professionals have experienced – and have found solutions to — the issues you face. To find answers, one place to turn is your supplier partners. These professionals work with clients like you to find a system that matches your needs. Learn about the five most common challenges in warehouse management – and how to overcome them – from an experienced IWLA partner. This webinar is brought to you by the IWLA California Chapter.

Expand Your Omni-Channel Service Offerings  through an Order Management System | Airdate: 1/26/2017
Omni-channel is about creating a unified brand experience; it’s more than just how to fulfill an order but how to manage the life cycle of the customer experience. Make a promise and keep the promise. Moving from selling to enabling the buy process. How can an order management system improve your service offerings? Expand your data collection capabilities, inventory management, and order life cycle. Allow multiple clients have more control over their business through your system. Enhance your pick and pack service offerings to ship from store, ship from vendor and buy online, pick up in store. 

Steve Congro serves as Director of Omni-channel Fulfillment Technology for Saddle Creek Logistics Services. Saddle Creek is an omni-channel supply chain solutions company operation over 17.1 million sq. ft. in 41 locations nationwide. Steve oversees Saddle Creek’s technical strategy and vision surrounding omni-channel and fulfillment systems in the order management, warehouse and transportation space.

Jim Barnes is a leading expert in supply chain management from source to consumption. He co-founded enVista in 2002 in response to market demand for comprehensive supply chain consulting services, and he has spent the last 20 years successfully deploying supply chain and enterprise solutions and synchronizing material and information flow for Fortune 500 companies. Barnes is also CEO of Enspire Commerce, an enVista company that provides cloud-based, omni-channel, customer engagement solutions on a single platform.

Continuous Improvement Tools in a Lean Environment | Airdate: 10/17/2016

You can’t manage what you don’t measure
• Developing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
• Showing Performance
• Discussing Performance
• Leadership Standard Work (knowing what is happening)
• CA/PA Corrective Action/ Preventative Action

Understanding Your Responsibility for Food Safety | Airdate: 9/29/2016
Now more than ever, warehouse logistics organizations that handle food products for their customers have a responsibility to watch for issues, maintain standards, prepare for problems, and report anomalies. With the advent of the Food Safety Modernization Act and the regulations it brings, learn what you must do to meet the requirements and what you can do to protect your customers – and yourself:

  • You need to have a PCQI-trained (preventative controls) staff member. Where can you get this training and what is the deadline?
  • You need to have a formal food hazard analysis plan for all of your food-handling facilities. How do you do this?
  • You need to understand how AIB and regulators approach your warehouse. 

Your Warehouse and the Standard Terms & Conditions (STC) | Airdate: 8/25/2016
You can more effectively serve your customers if you start with a shared understanding of exactly what “contract warehousing” means. Decades ago, the International Warehouse Logistics Association crafted the “Standard Terms & Conditions” that lay the foundation of what services warehouse logistics companies offer and how the relationship between shipper/retailer and the warehouse should progress.

In an effort increase awareness of this document across the industry, IWLA makes it available via the public section of IWLA.com. This way potential customers can see that your requests and your service approaches truly are a standard for the industry. This document helps you clarify expectations.

The IWLA Insurance & Legal Committee recently reviewed the standard terms and conditions document. One key player in that review was IWLA Retained Counsel Kevin Phillips, warehouse law expert and partner at the Scopelitis law firm.

Phillips will lead this informative webinar about the IWLA Standard Terms & Conditions – and give you action items and approaches to educate your customers and to ensure your approach is sound:

  • What are the Standard Terms & Conditions?
  • What do the individual sections mean?
  • Why should my warehouse use them?
  • Can I modify these terms?

Don’t miss this timely, applicable webinar. And make sure your executives and sales team are on the line.

Leading for Your Warehouse’s Future: An Interactive Webinar Case Study | Airdate: 2/25/2016
Continuity of leadership in your warehouse business is critical to future success – especially given the evolving nature of services, technology, and customer needs. How can you maintain a pipeline of effective and proactive leadership to meet these challenges?

The executives from PRISM Logistics, a warehouse logistics company in Danville, Calif., know about multi-generational leadership transition. PRISM President Jere Van Puffelen, EWLP, and Director of Business Development Jeremy Van Puffelen, CWLP, will discuss their leadership development approach. During this webinar, they’ll answer your questions and you’ll discover the power of training, education, and mentoring.
The session leaders will hit on these hot leadership topics:

  • How strong leadership drives continuous improvement;
  • The qualities of an effective warehousing leader in today’s competitive market;
  • The delicate path of guiding the younger generation into a leadership role;
  • And the importance of purposeful detachment from the daily management and oversight.

Effective leadership development allows every opportunity for the new leader to fill new roles and succeed.