Congressional Republicans Request Public Engagement on Overtime Rulemaking

Congressional Republicans Request Public Engagement on Overtime Rulemaking

Ranking Members of the Senate and House Labor Committees and Subcommittees sent a letter to the Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, requesting that DOL conduct a Request for Information (RFI) and hold stakeholder meetings with the regulated community before beginning to write a new rule on overtime pay requirements. The rulemaking specifically concerns white collar exemptions to overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In their letter, Labor Republicans referenced a separate request signed by IWLA and over 100 other employer organizations. The Labor Republicans called the regulated community’s request to hold stakeholder meetings “fair and prudent” and urged the DOL to follow suit.

IWLA believes DOL would benefit from stakeholder input on the current economic situation and the potential impact new overtime regulations could have on the workforce and economy.

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