IWLA Legislative Fly-in

April 1 - 2, 2025

Grand Hyatt Washington

1000 H Street Northwest

Washington, DC 20001

The IWLA Legislative Fly-in is held annually in Washington D.C. and focuses on infrastructure, labor, and taxes. Attendees are given the opportunity to speak directly with lawmakers and regulators — providing the perfect opportunity for IWLA members to discuss issues that directly impact the 3PL industry.

What to Expect:

  • Expert speakers from Congress, think tanks, and policy orgs. on crucial matters for your business.
  • Meetings with your senate and congressional offices to share the importance of our industry.
  • Handouts to present your representatives with our 3PL policy positions.
  • Group networking dinner with members.
  • A fun, informative, and impactful experience!

How to Get Involved:

Take our cause to Capitol Hill with visits to representatives, senators and regulators who also will present to our group. Hear the latest on laws and regulations from these experts and IWLA’s representative in Washington.

Who should attend the Fly-in?

IWLA members interested in the issues that impact warehouse logistics organizations. The IWLA Legislative Fly-in event is open to all.

Why should I attend?

Attending the Legislative Fly-in helps you to:

  • show Washington who you are and what value your business provides;
  • demonstrates you care about laws that help or hinder your business success; 
  • provides an educational opportunity for yourself on the regulatory process and what that means for our industry;
  • helps build relationships with your elected officials;
  • keeps you engaged and aware of the political and economic environment around you;
  • because IWLA needs your help in representing our members;
  • give back to the industry and;
  • because government affairs makes a safe, successful, and growing business possible.

Click Image below to play the video.

Steve Harmon, President – IWLA Warehouse Member
Spartan Logistics, Columbus, OH