IWLA Legislative Agenda

IWLA Government Affairs Agenda
The International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA) legislative agenda is based on the principles of good jobs, fair working conditions and safe/secure supply chains performed through the third-party warehouse-based logistics industry.
Companies that use IWLA members’ services recognize the need for a well-designed supply chain operating at the highest level of efficiency in today’s domestic and global markets. They recognize the advantage of our members’ unique logistics expertise and technology in securing maximum efficiencies in sourcing raw materials, designing supply chains, and managing distribution systems. IWLA members perform a wide variety of services that reach beyond storage, including distribution system design, freight transportation, packaging, assembly and even performing light manufacturing.
Warehouse-based 3PLs are active partners with their customers in finding the most efficient, effective, secure and safe means of moving everything from raw materials to finished goods.
The IWLA Government Affairs agenda describes our members’ five top policy areas. These areas will help ensure that the United States continues to enjoy the most efficient supply chain in the world, all while increasing the number of jobs we provide and securing the career paths of our workers.
This agenda is a high-level overview of IWLA’s government affairs priorities. As such, it should not be viewed as a comprehensive list of all of the issues IWLA members are concerned with and participate in. In addition, this document is an evolving blueprint that will change when appropriate.
Promoting Workplace Health and Safety
IWLA members provide a safe working environment for their employees. IWLA and its members work closely with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and related federal and state regulatory agencies. The association offers compliance assistance and consultation services to its members, and promotes industry best practices to help employers exceed regulatory standards and achieve the highest levels of safety in their organizations.
Ensuring Supply Chain Safety and Security
IWLA members support policies and industry standards to protect the public by providing the highest levels of safety and security that can be attained for all of the products they handle.
As an integral part of the domestic and international supply chain, 3PL warehouses work with their supply chain partners to ensure the security and safety of products moving through their hands. IWLA members provide warehouse and other logistics services in every sector of the economy: manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers and handle all kinds of products, ranging from food to pharmaceuticals, consumer goods to chemicals.
One of IWLA’s goals is to make sure legislators and government regulators are fully informed about how 3PL warehouses function in the supply chain. This ensures that laws and regulations promote the highest standards of safe and secure handling for these products.
Promoting Healthy Labor Relations
IWLA members support state and federal labor laws that protect the wages of our employees.
IWLA members ensure that their management and employees understand the requirements of federal and state labor laws, including making substantial investments in instruction, training and disseminating appropriate information. IWLA 3PL warehouse members expect their vendors to maintain the same level of commitment to compliance with all applicable safety and labor laws, and monitor their services to make sure that they do.
Pursuing Responsible Budget and Tax Policies
IWLA members support tax policies designed to allow them to operate productive businesses that contribute significantly to the efficiency of the U.S. supply chain, which makes our goods competitive in the world marketplace.
We are committed to comprehensive tax reform that will foster job growth, increase U.S. global competitiveness, and attract international investment and innovation.
IWLA members believe that proposals for reducing the mounting U.S. debt must be a top priority of policymakers.
Strengthening America’s Competitiveness
IWLA members support the development of a comprehensive National Freight Transportation Policy.
The U.S. supply chain is dependent on an efficient and fairly funded transportation system that includes air, rail, highway and maritime modes. IWLA supports new policies and integrated planning needed to create a safer and more efficient freight transportation system. IWLA members also strongly advocate for individual states to consult with 3PL warehouses when developing state transportation plans.