IWLA Government Affairs Council

Dear Industry Colleague:
Welcome! It is an exciting time in the legislative and regulatory arena for warehouse logistics organizations. This is an ideal opportunity to get involved in the IWLA Government Affairs Council and join our focused efforts to keep on top of issues affecting our industry.
The IWLA Government Affairs Council has mapped out the most important issues affecting our industry:
- labor relations,
- regulations,
- security,
- trade,
- transportation and;
- tax policies.
These priorities are set annually based on issues identified through member discussion and committee vote.
Once priorities are set, we track them closely. We scan the Federal Register, regulatory agencies, media and other outlets for any movement of legislation that could negatively impact our industry. This proactive approach gives us an opportunity to guide legislators’ and regulators’ decision making and to provide resources and data to support the issues and future issues.
Warehouse logistics is an economic growth area. We are the backbone of trade, commerce and manufacturing in North America. But, not all legislators and regulators understand the role of a third-party warehouse in the supply chain. We need to educate elected officials and regulators about the unique role of the third-party warehouse logistics providers.
We need your participation.
You are the eyes and ears on the ground to potential new legislation affecting our industry and you bring the knowledge of how a bill or regulation directly impacts your ability to operate an efficient and profitable business.
- You represent the constituents of an elected official, both as a resident and a business owner that supports the local and national economies.
- Most importantly, you stand to benefit or lose in the final rulemaking of these elected officials and many issues will affect the stability of your company.
Working together, we can protect and advance our interests in Washington, D.C., and in the state capitals.
Please take a moment to read through the IWLA Legislative Agenda and know that the IWLA stands ready to defend your interests. Please contact us with any issues you face.
Join us during the spring IWLA Legislative Fly-in to Washington, D.C., where members gather to discuss the issues from the source of those official and agencies that create them and get the chance to introduce themselves and their business to lawmakers.
Check out our legislative and regulatory tracker to find the latest updates on our closely watched issues.
The Government Affairs Leadership