FAQs: the 2025 IWLA Convention & Expo

This is my first IWLA Convention. What do I need to know?
Welcome! We want you to get the most out of the networking and educational opportunities here. After April 28, 2025, you will hear from your first-timer buddy, a veteran attendee who will help make introductions and add insight into what makes the convention a great experience for him/her.
Other than that, make sure you download the convention mobile app (available in February) and review the schedule; sign up for the Sunday morning, May 4, golf tourney; and attend all meal and social events. The schedule is straightforward: Educational sessions and special-interest meetings during the day. Social events in the evenings. The IWLA Convention is a business-casual event throughout. We want you to get to know people.
Are there planned activities for spouses and guests?
All registered spouses/guests are welcomed and encouraged to join in all the meal functions, evening social events, and education sessions. Traditionally, the only spouse event IWLA plans is for the leaders’ spouses/guests during the IWLA Board Meeting.
What is the dress code for the convention?
Education sessions and events are all business casual. Resort casual attire is the dress for the IWLA Chairman’s Dinner Tuesday night (May 6).
Is the Chairman’s Dinner included in my registration? Can I purchase other tickets?
ALL full registrations (from child to spouse to attendee to exhibitor) include all events except golf and the IWLA-PAC Dinner. One-day passes do not include the evening functions. You can purchase Wednesday- evening-only tickets at the registration desk for $350. No other social-function-only tickets are available.
I hear there is an IWLA-PAC Dinner. Can I attend?
Attendance at the IWLA-PAC Dinner requires a PAC donation. If you have not already donated to the IWLA-PAC, a $350 donation secures your place at the dinner. You can bring a spouse/guest for an additional $250. Donors to the IWLA-PAC at a $1,000 level are automatically invited to the dinner. Enjoy an evening of timely comedy and an update on IWLA’s regulatory and legislative efforts.
When/where is the 2025 IWLA Golf Classic Tournament?
The May 4 golf tourney has 8 a.m. tee time at the resort golf course. Breakfast will be served.
How do I register for the golf tournament?
You will be able to register for the 2025 IWLA Golf Classic Tournament while you are registering for the 2025 IWLA Convention & Expo. Tickets are in the “add-on” section of the registration process.
Can I register for golf at the last minute?
Yes. We can accommodate onsite registrations until the course is sold out. The Pro Shop may not, however, have rental clubs available. Please check with them first to rent your clubs.
Are golf club rentals included in the golf registration fee?
No. You will need to pay $90 extra for golf club rentals. Be sure to let us know if you need right- or left-handed clubs.
I don’t belong to a specific council. Can I attend council meetings anyway?
All IWLA educational sessions and committee/council meetings are open to all registrants – including exhibitors. You do not need to be a member of the council to attend. You are encouraged to attend and learn more about these groups.
Do I have to sign up ahead of time for the education breakout sessions?
No. All you need to do is show up to the sessions that interest you.
Are the keynote, general sessions, and/or education breakout sessions recorded?
No. We do not have plans to record any session – they are all in-person sessions.
Are there handouts for any of the sessions? If so, how can I get the handouts?
Not all sessions provide handouts. Handouts IWLA receives before the convention are available via the app. Final handouts will be posted to the cloud (as allowed by speakers). All attendees will receive a link to the handouts with other information via email after the convention.
How do I log in to the Wi-Fi?
For your convenience there will be signs posted throughout the convention center with the user name and password. Please thank our Wi-Fi sponsor when you have the chance.
I’m an exhibitor and I have not heard from my Board Buddy. Who is assigned to me?
Many IWLA Board Members and former chairmen have volunteered to be buddies. These are assigned by April 28, 2025. The list is available at the registration desk. Or, the exhibitor can contact Uriel Arroyo for more information. Your buddy will share his/her thoughts about what makes the IWLA Convention a unique opportunity; tell you about can’t-miss sessions and social events; and introduce you to company representatives and contacts who may be interested in your products/services.Ao
Can I get an electronic list of attendees?
Pre-convention electronic lists of attendees are sent only to exhibitors and to sponsors at the bronze metal level and above. There is a complete attendee list in the mobile app. And you will find a hard-copy directory of attendees included in your registration materials.