Executive Warehouse Logistics Professional (EWLP)
The Executive Warehouse Logistics Professional designation is reserved for individuals who have achieved officer-level success in their organizations.
Submission Overview
** An executive new to the warehousing industry or new to the executive position who would like to apply for a variance of EWLP Certification requirements may submit a request in writing to the Education Committee. The Education Committee will submit this request to the IWLA Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee is responsible for communicating with the applicant to determine if the request will be granted.
If the Executive Committee grants the applicant’s request, the Executive Committee is responsible for designing a program tailored to the applicant’s professional experience and needs. The Executive Committee and applicant are expected to develop a tailored program together.
The request approval and expectations will be submitted to applicant in writing (the Education Committee must receive a copy of letter). It is expected that no more than 90 days pass from submission of request to either denial of request or if applicant receives approval, to designing the custom program.