IWLA Certificate Programs
Program: IWLA Warehouse Certificate (WLC)

IWLA certificate programs are designed for the front-line warehouse workers.
The Warehouse Logistics Certificate (WLC) is an online certification program that gives front-line employees the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the warehouse logistics industry and to learn at their own pace all at an affordable price point.
Program: IWLA Warehouse Logistics Professional (WLP) Certification
The IWLA Warehouse Logistics Certificate Program opens new opportunities and prepares warehousing professionals to be ready for tomorrow’s warehousing challenges and opportunities – and to be ready to advance in your organization upon the successful completion of a series of warehouse logistics courses.

Certification Process
All IWLA warehouse members are eligible for the certification programs. Nonmember warehouse logistics professionals are eligible only for the WLC, Qualified, and Certified Warehouse Logistics Professional levels.
While each level of certification is achieved by satisfying distinct criteria, there are some common requirements:
- Applicants must be “sponsored” by his or her warehouse/logistics organization.
- Each applicant must submit a completed application for the requested level of certification.
- In addition, to applicants must submit a current resume.
- With the exception of the WLC certification, each applicant must pay a non-refundable application fee for the corresponding level.
- Invoices are sent out after the initial application has been received, reviewed, and accepted.
Once the application is completed, applicants must send all necessary documentation and requirements to [email protected]. All applications are reviewed and approved by the IWLA Education Committee (or other appropriate party associated with each level) within 90 days of submission.