Embracing the Sun: A Real Estate Owner’s Perspective on Community Solar

Embracing the Sun: A Real Estate Owner's Perspective on Community Solar

In the realm of renewable energy, community solar is emerging as a beacon of sustainability and accessibility. This model democratizes solar power, extending its benefits to renters, homeowners, businesses, and communities at large. From the vantage point of a commercial real estate owner, community solar presents a unique opportunity to bolster property value by increasing net operating income, and contribute positively to the environment.
IWLA Partner Member SolarKal shares some of the advantages of community solar are as follows:
  • Diversification of Revenue Streams
  • Tenant Attraction and Retention
  • Property Value Enhancement
  • Environmental Responsibility: ESG Goals
Participating in community solar aligns with the growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Commercial real estate owners can showcase their commitment to reducing carbon footprints and mitigating climate change by facilitating access to clean energy for their tenants. Learn more here.

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