CartonCloud Launches New End-to-End Mobile App Feature

CartonCloud Launches New End-to-End Mobile App Feature

We are excited to share our new End-to-End Mobile App Feature release! This update includes three substantial new mobile app features and workflows, giving you greater control and transparency over end-to-end processes through the mobile app. Let's take a look!  👀

Get ready to streamline your operations like never before! We've been working on something really special, and are thrilled to share this latest CartonCloud Mobile WMS app release with you. Explore the new Mobile App release features below, for our new 

  • 📲 Task Picking mode on the Mobile App
  • 🏗️ End-to-End Pallet Handling 
  • 📦 End-to-End Unique Reference (Serial) Handling 

🎬 More video guides for each of our new mobile features will be releases shortly through CartonCloud Help. 👉Stay tuned to emails and blogs for more!

Note, to access the new features please update your CartonCloud mobile app to version 5.0.0 or higher. 

💥CartonCloud's New Mobile App End-to-End Features!

📲 New “Task Picking” mode on Mobile App

Our first feature release adds several significant enhancements when picking, giving you intelligent order picking and allocation prompts for smarter picking, delivering smart grouping for faster order picking, allowing simple stock substitution, and providing greater ability in pallet barcode scanning. 

🎬 Watch this video intro explaining the Sales Orders function within our new Mobile Task Picking feature here, and view more details below. Additional video guides and tutorials will be released soon, so make sure you stay tuned to emails and blogs! 

  • Revised UI: This update enables pickers to see what pick quantities are recommended, eg, being recommended to pick 5 cartons rather than 100 units. Find out more
  • Order Assignment: This update allows pickers to assign orders from the web app (in bulk) to better coordinate warehouse staff. With this enhancement, pickers can filter work assigned to them, start unassigned work, and even take over tasks assigned to others should they need to. Find out more.
  • Reallocation/ Stock Substitution: If enabled, this update will allow pickers to substitute allocated stock for other stock of the same product. With this enhancement, pickers can pick from an alternative location, pick an alternative pallet which is easier to access (ie: bulk stacked pallets), or pick different serials to those allocated, enabling end-to-end serial number management. Find out more
  • Pallet Scanning: This update enables end-to-end pallet handling throughout the system, allowing you to scan or create barcodes to accept incoming stock, and track serial codes from inbound to outbound orders, and to use pallet barcodes when picking. Find out more.
  • Grouping: This enhancement simplifies picking workflows. In some circumstances, individual allocated stock lines will be able to be combined together into a single line item, to be picked as a group. Find out more

Check out our suite of helpful video tutorials here, to explore how to get the most from each enhancement! 

Or visit the CartonCloud Help pages on Picking 2.0 and Reallocation for more information. 

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