IWLA Sends Letter of Support for STB Re-Nominations

IWLA Sends Letter of Support for STB Re-Nominations

On September 5, IWLA sent a letter to the Biden Administration in strong support of the re-nominations of Chairman Martin Oberman and Member Patrick Fuchs to the Surface Transportation Board (STB). In part, the letter reads, “Chairman Oberman, as he has done throughout his long and diverse career, approaches all matters before the board in an open, transparent, bipartisan, balanced, and collegial manner. He recognizes that all elements of the rail industry must work smoothly together to serve the interests of the varied stakeholders. Under his leadership, the board has tackled difficult issues, especially systemic railroad service failures. Through multiple hearings, he ensured that all voices are heard and that the board is fully informed before acting. Member Fuchs continues to use his experience and expertise to enhance the board’s effectiveness. His ability to develop meaningful and verifiable data helps the board achieve workable and evidence-based solutions. Chairman Oberman and Member Fuchs have functioned particularly effectively in tandem and have facilitated collaboration within the board and among its staff. While their views and perspectives often differ, their approaches are always complementary, and any disagreements result in a deeper and more informed discussion and understanding of challenging issues.”  Read Full Letter 

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